Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Cross Country

Today is cross country. At the moment I’m not really nervous just excited because I do this every year, but now, I’m at the start line and I’m extremely nervous and I feel like l’m going to wet my pants. Three two one bang! Here we go but this time I’m just going to start off with a slow jog. Right now I’m running in fourth place. Molly is running in first place, she is ahead of everyone by a mile so there is no way I’m getting first. But I could get second, I know I’m not really a runner and usually come fourth or fifth but this year I think I have a chance at second place. I’ll have to speed up so let's go for it. I just made it past Frankie and Willow and now I’m ahead by quite a bit but still have to keep going if I want to stay in second place. I’m nearly there and can see Molly at the finish line! Just a couple more seconds and I’m done. Second place! My legs are still trembling but I’m done. Never in a million years would have guessed to come second.

Here is me with messed up face paint.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic effort Maggie! Well done for having perserverance and determination to get the best result.
